Skilled nursing and long-term care operators have been working in a state of upheaval, and our current state is fast becoming the new normal. Providers that continue to operate 'as usual' are in danger of falling too far behind; however, providers who look to the future and recognize the need to operate within a modern model see a more effective and efficient future.
It's essential for skilled nursing and long-term care providers to evolve in order to keep up. There are several ways operators can adjust to make better decisions, improve services, and drive a more sustainable model.
Use data resources strategically. Data-driven operations can have a profound effect on efficiency. Most providers have recognized the need to implement electronic systems to manage health records, time and attendance, scheduling, HR, learning, referrals, and admissions. There are vast amounts of data available; it's just not all in one place. Implementing a system to tie the data together and give actionable insight and intelligence allows owners and leadership teams to make proactive decisions, replicate what works, and change what doesn't. Using data strategically can go a long way toward controlling costs, reducing waste and stress, and streamlining operations.
Deliver high-quality care. Care is your product, and consumers are savvy. With so much information available, it's critical to perform well in CMS quality measures to ensure an excellent five-star rating. In addition, skilled nursing facilities need to continually improve their product offering so that facilities can manage complex patients, prevent readmissions, and accept more admissions. To accomplish this, skilled nursing providers need strong care management capabilities, involvement from physicians and hospitals, and technology to integrate, measure and track.
Efficiency through resource management. Long-term care providers are already operating in a world of resource shortages. Staffing, PPE, and funding this year are among the most critical. It's important to make the most of the resources you do have. Consistently tracking and measuring staffing, labor costs, agency labor, and procurement allow you to nimbly and frequently adjust so you can mitigate costs and maintain budgets without affecting value.
The successful future of skilled nursing and long-term care demands change. Making organizational adjustments, adopting modern technology, and using data strategically are all ways to ensure the post-acute and senior care industry will thrive beyond the pandemic.
CareWork makes it easy to streamline operations. Through integration with the systems you already use, we tie your data together and provide descriptive analytics on things like census, labor, clinical, procurement, receipts, revenue, collections, and quality so you can quickly make decisions that matter.
So, ask yourself, are you ready to operate more effectively? If so, contact us today.